1.1 Processes and memory

An xv6 process consists of user-space memory (instructions, data, and stack) and per-process state private to the kernel. Xv6 time-shares processes: it transparently switches the available CPUs among the set of processes waiting to execute. When a process is not executing, xv6 saves the process’s CPU registers, restoring them when it next runs the process. The kernel associates a process identifier, or PID, with each process.

System call Description
int fork() Create a process, return child’s PID.
int exit(int status) Terminate the current process; status reported to wait(). No return.
int wait(int *status) Wait for a child to exit; exit status in *status; returns child PID.
int kill(int pid) Terminate process PID. Returns 0, or -1 for error.
int getpid() Return the current process’s PID.
int sleep(int n) Pause for n clock ticks.
int exec(char *file, char *argv[]) Load a file and execute it with arguments; only returns if error.
char *sbrk(int n) Grow process’s memory by n zero bytes. Returns start of new memory.
int open(char *file, int flags) Open a file; flags indicate read/write; returns an fd (file descriptor).
int write(int fd, char *buf, int n) Write n bytes from buf to file descriptor fd; returns n.
int read(int fd, char *buf, int n) Read n bytes into buf; returns number read; or 0 if end of file.
int close(int fd) Release open file fd.
int dup(int fd) Return a new file descriptor referring to the same file as fd.
int pipe(int p[]) Create a pipe, put read/write file descriptors in p[0] and p[1].
int chdir(char *dir) Change the current directory.
int mkdir(char *dir) Create a new directory.
int mknod(char *file, int, int) Create a device file.
int fstat(int fd, struct stat *st) Place info about an open file into *st.
int link(char *file1, char *file2) Create another name (file2) for the file file1.
int unlink(char *file) Remove a file.
Figure 1.2: Xv6 system calls. If not otherwise stated, these calls return 0 for no error, and -1 if there’s an error.

A process may create a new process using the fork system call. fork gives the new process an exact copy of the calling process’s memory: it copies the instructions, data, and stack of the calling process into the new process’s memory. fork returns in both the original and new processes. In the original process, fork returns the new process’s PID. In the new process, fork returns zero. The original and new processes are often called the parent and child.

For example, consider the following program fragment written in the C programming language [4]:

            int pid = fork();

            if(pid > 0){

              printf("parent: child=%d\n", pid);

              pid = wait((int *) 0);

              printf("child %d is done\n", pid);

            } else if(pid == 0){

              printf("child: exiting\n");


            } else {

              printf("fork error\n");


The exit system call causes the calling process to stop executing and to release resources such as memory and open files. Exit takes an integer status argument, conventionally 0 to indicate success and 1 to indicate failure. The wait system call returns the PID of an exited (or killed) child of the current process and copies the exit status of the child to the address passed to wait; if none of the caller’s children has exited, wait waits for one to do so. If the caller has no children, wait immediately returns -1. If the parent doesn’t care about the exit status of a child, it can pass a 0 address to wait.

In the example, the output lines

            parent: child=1234

            child: exiting

might come out in either order (or even intermixed), depending on whether the parent or child gets to its printf call first. After the child exits, the parent’s wait returns, causing the parent to print

            parent: child 1234 is done

Although the child has the same memory contents as the parent initially, the parent and child are executing with separate memory and separate registers: changing a variable in one does not affect the other. For example, when the return value of wait is stored into pid in the parent process, it doesn’t change the variable pid in the child. The value of pid in the child will still be zero.

The exec system call replaces the calling process’s memory with a new memory image loaded from a file stored in the file system. The file must have a particular format, which specifies which part of the file holds instructions, which part is data, at which instruction to start, etc. Xv6 uses the ELF format, which Chapter 3 discusses in more detail. Usually the file is the result of compiling a program’s source code. When exec succeeds, it does not return to the calling program; instead, the instructions loaded from the file start executing at the entry point declared in the ELF header. exec takes two arguments: the name of the file containing the executable and an array of string arguments. For example:

            char *argv[3];


            argv[0] = "echo";

            argv[1] = "hello";

            argv[2] = 0;

            exec("/bin/echo", argv);

            printf("exec error\n");

This fragment replaces the calling program with an instance of the program /bin/echo running with the argument list echo hello. Most programs ignore the first element of the argument array, which is conventionally the name of the program.

The xv6 shell uses the above calls to run programs on behalf of users. The main structure of the shell is simple; see main (user/sh.c:146). The main loop reads a line of input from the user with getcmd. Then it calls fork, which creates a copy of the shell process. The parent calls wait, while the child runs the command. For example, if the user had typed “echo hello” to the shell, runcmd would have been called with “echo hello” as the argument. runcmd (user/sh.c:55) runs the actual command. For “echo hello”, it would call exec (user/sh.c:79). If exec succeeds then the child will execute instructions from echo instead of runcmd. At some point echo will call exit, which will cause the parent to return from wait in main (user/sh.c:146).

You might wonder why fork and exec are not combined in a single call; we will see later that the shell exploits the separation in its implementation of I/O redirection. To avoid the wastefulness of creating a duplicate process and then immediately replacing it (with exec), operating kernels optimize the implementation of fork for this use case by using virtual memory techniques such as copy-on-write (see Section 4.6).

Xv6 allocates most user-space memory implicitly: fork allocates the memory required for the child’s copy of the parent’s memory, and exec allocates enough memory to hold the executable file. A process that needs more memory at run-time (perhaps for malloc) can call sbrk(n) to grow its data memory by n zero bytes; sbrk returns the location of the new memory.