6.2 Code: Locks

Xv6 has two types of locks: spinlocks and sleep-locks. We’ll start with spinlocks. Xv6 represents a spinlock as a struct spinlock (kernel/spinlock.h:2). The important field in the structure is locked, a word that is zero when the lock is available and non-zero when it is held. Logically, xv6 should acquire a lock by executing code like


               acquire(struct spinlock *lk) // does not work!


                 for(;;) {

                   if(lk->locked == 0) {  

                     lk->locked = 1;      





Unfortunately, this implementation does not guarantee mutual exclusion on a multiprocessor. It could happen that two CPUs simultaneously reach line 25, see that lk->locked is zero, and then both grab the lock by executing line 26. At this point, two different CPUs hold the lock, which violates the mutual exclusion property. What we need is a way to make lines 25 and 26 execute as an atomic (i.e., indivisible) step.

Because locks are widely used, multi-core processors usually provide instructions that implement an atomic version of lines 25 and 26. On the RISC-V this instruction is amoswap r, a. amoswap reads the value at the memory address a, writes the contents of register r to that address, and puts the value it read into r. That is, it swaps the contents of the register and the memory address. It performs this sequence atomically, using special hardware to prevent any other CPU from using the memory address between the read and the write.

Xv6’s acquire (kernel/spinlock.c:22) uses the portable C library call __sync_lock_test_and_set, which boils down to the amoswap instruction; the return value is the old (swapped) contents of lk->locked. The acquire function wraps the swap in a loop, retrying (spinning) until it has acquired the lock. Each iteration swaps one into lk->locked and checks the previous value; if the previous value is zero, then we’ve acquired the lock, and the swap will have set lk->locked to one. If the previous value is one, then some other CPU holds the lock, and the fact that we atomically swapped one into lk->locked didn’t change its value.

Once the lock is acquired, acquire records, for debugging, the CPU that acquired the lock. The lk->cpu field is protected by the lock and must only be changed while holding the lock.

The function release (kernel/spinlock.c:47) is the opposite of acquire: it clears the lk->cpu field and then releases the lock. Conceptually, the release just requires assigning zero to lk->locked. The C standard allows compilers to implement an assignment with multiple store instructions, so a C assignment might be non-atomic with respect to concurrent code. Instead, release uses the C library function __sync_lock_release that performs an atomic assignment. This function also boils down to a RISC-V amoswap instruction.